TIA123 V20 Infrastrukturer och organisering av lärande och kommunikation

Learning about infrastructure concepts is very important to keep things organized and functioning in educational organizations. Whether you are planning to build a new infrastructure or you are using your knowledge to develop and maintain internal infrastructures for your school or another educational organisation, it is critical that you know what an infrastructure is composed of.

The aim of this asynchronous online course is twofold:
1) prepare participants for developing a clearer understanding of basic concepts related to infrastructure by using the literature, especially from Science and Technology Studies (STS) and Organizational Studies. Participants are expected to use these concepts to analyze and describe examples of existing infrastructures for learning and how they influence educators and learners. Participants are also expected to use these concepts to describe how the use of technologies interacts with how we understand and value competence and skill development in organizations.

2) prepare participants for delving into the concept of infrastructuring, switching the perspective from seeing technology as a final artefact (as designed by designers) to seeing it as an environment that can be changed by users, allowing users to act as designers.