
Välkommen till SAP110, Statistiska grunder i samhällsanalys V20

Given the present circumstances, this course will take place at a distance instead of the campus. This means that adjustments to the teaching and examination methods will be required. It is therefore extremely important that you as students keep yourself updated through Canvas. We are currently working on this and the course page will be updated before the course starts. When the page is ready, in the "Modules" section you will find schedule, literature list and detailed information on what will be covered under each lecture. Please make sure you have a good internet connection and access to Microsoft Excell through the whole course.



Kursen ger en orientering i användandet av kvantitativa metoder i samhällsanalys. Teman som behandlas i kursen är bland annat beskrivning av data genom central- och spridningsmått, sannolikhetsstatistik, korrelation och sambandsmått. Dessutom ges en introduktion till regressionsanalys.







Kursansvarig: Dimitrios Theodoridis  dimitrios.theodoridis@gu.se

                          Stefania Galli    stefania.galli@gu.se

Studieadministratör: Petri Ruotsalainen  petri.ruotsalainen@gu.se

Studievägledare: Tanja Feltsen  tanja.feltsen@gu.se


Datum Information Sista inlämningsdatum