So2 t1. Layliga 1aad. Wadarta magacyada, qaybta 1aad

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  • Points 1
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Fill in the different forms.

The most common plural ending is .
However, feminine nouns that end in -o in the singular have a plural form that ends in -oóyin.

Feminine nouns with a plural in have a definite form that ends in -áha.
Feminine nouns with a plural in -oóyin have a definite form that ends in -oóyinka.

Masculine nouns double b, d, l, r, n, m before .
After other sounds masculine nouns add an -y- before , except if the word already ends in -y.

Masculine nouns with more than two syllables in the indefinite plural form have a definite form ending in -áda.
Masculine nouns with only two syllables in the indefinite plural form have a definite form ending in -áha.

The words wax thing and guri house are irregular.

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