Workshop with Prem Krishnamurthy and Emily Smith at K, space, Berlin, 2018. Photo: Kjell Caminha.
"On friendship and the political imaginary" go here.
This page provides supplementary information on two international summer courses at HDK-Valand that are oriented to different aesthetico-political programmes of enquiry and contestation, These courses are by distance and blended education (online with additional opportunities to meet face-to-face) free to EU nationals, delivered in English, and bearing 15 ECTS. Each course is rooted in live research currently underway in our academy and within our wider networks of affiliation..
Click on each course above to go to a detailed information page dedicated to that course.
The application period each year is mid-February and mid-March each year.
In evaluating your application, we consider: (i) clarity of purpose in attending course, as evidenced in letter of application; and (ii) capacity to actively contribute to the group dialogue online, as evidenced in letter of application.
The courses is open to curators, artists, writers, and non-art specialists who have an interest in engaging with contemporary art.
You will require access to reliable internet connection and headphones with mic to participate effectively in either course..
Application via universityadmissions.seLinks to an external site. (for international applicants) and via antagning.seLinks to an external site. (for Swedish applicants).