Course syllabus


The course is held between September 2 and November 4 2019. 

Course introduction: Wednesday 4th September, 08.15-12.00 hs. in room SA-220 (Annedalseminariet, Campus Linné)

Link to orientation map: Campus Linné


Course Coordinators

Hauwa Mahdi: 

Maria Clara Medina: 


Course Syllabus and Literature

GS1115 Course syllabus.pdf

GS1115 Reading list.pdf

GS1115 Recommended Extra Reading.pdf


Link to the schedule in TimeEdit (only dates and venues)

NOTICE! Complete schedule (lectures, dates, venues, readings, etc) available here in pdf

We will continue to make minor corrections until the start. However, the times on the schedule will not change.

About Canvas

Schedule, syllabus and reading list will be published here at the syllabus page before the course starts. You will access the other pages once you have registered for the course.

For questions regarding registration and access to Canvas, please contact the Student Office:

For support and information on how to use Canvas, please click the question mark icon (“Help”) in the left side menu.


The Student Portal

At My Studies in the Student Portal, you will find general information and contact information for various functions that are relevant to students at the School of Global Studies. You can find these pages at the following link: 

In the Student Portal you will also find other student related information and log in to all the student University e-services.


Course summary:

Date Details Due