Course syllabus

Welcome to the course Viking and Medieval Scandinavia!

The course gives an overview of viking and medieval Scandinavian history, covering significant social, economic, and political developments .  In the course attention will be given to the influence of Christianity and the Church during this era; how a more united medieval Europe emerged through the church and how this influenced the
Scandinavian countries. The state formation process and the political culture is of also in focused, and the differences and similarities between Scandinavia and rest of Europe. Later views of medieval Scandinavia and their historical development  are also discussed.
The course also introduces the student to the various types of sources which are used in the study of viking and medieval history, as well as the methodological and theoretical questions within the field.

The first class is on September 2nd, 09.15-11.00 in room 2206 (entrance floor) at the Department of Historical Studies/ Institutionen för Historiska studier at Eklandagatan 86.

All classes can be found if you click on "Moduler" in the left hand column.

Required reading list: HI1430 reading list HT 19.pdf

Course Syllabus HI1430.pdf




The Oseberg Ship. Photo from Wikimedia Commons

We will be in differetn rooms, check the schedule below.



Course summary:

Date Details Due