Course syllabus

LT 2214 Computational Syntax, Spring 2020

(This course replaces the previous course with code LT2204.)

LT2214 VT20 Computational Syntax, 7.5 credits, part of Master's Programme in Language Technology (MLT)

This time the course is done via remote teaching. Links and instructions to appear here. The first lecture will be on 31 March at 10:15

Basic information

Course responsible: Aarne Ranta

Teaching assistant: Herbert Lange (e-post:

Education coordinator: Madelaine Miller (e-post:

Student Office: Matilde Eriksson (e-post:

Course notes: 

Schema in TimeEdit (will be followed but exceptions are expected)

Official course plan:

Github repository for the course: 

Last year's course:

Programme (to be updated)

  • Lecture 1: introduction to computational grammars and their applications
  • Lecture 2: Grammatical analysis: words and morphology
  • Lecture 3: Grammatical analysis: dependencies
  • Lecture 4: Grammatical analysis: phrase structure
  • Lecture 5: Abstract syntax as interlingua (first lecture on GF)
  • Lecture 6: Concrete syntax and linearization (second lecture on GF)
  • Lecture 7: Syntactic resource grammars
  • Lecture 8: Semantic grammars and their applications
  • Lecture 9: Grammar-based  applications in Python
  • Lecture 10: Recap for the exam

Each lecture is around 2 hours. In addition, there are supervised tutorials.

To get accepted, one has to pass the exam and do two assignments.

All teaching in April-May 2020 is done remotely - links and instructions will appear on this Canvas page.



The exam will be organized remotely. The exam date in TimeEdit does not hold, since the exam cannot be organized before the last lecture. The principal exam dates are 5, 16, and 17 June.

Before the exam, we expect everyone to have finished their labs. If you have problems to do this in time, please contact Aarne.

The exam is a 1-to-1 Zoom meeting with Aarne, around 20 minutes per student.  You will first get some easy questions, to verify that you deserve at least mark G. If you pass this part, you will get some more difficult questions to test you for mark VG. Some questions may refer to your own lab assignments, e.g. asking you to give an analysis of some utterance in your own language. You will be able to answer most questions in writing and drawing on the computer or on a piece of paper, which you show via Zoom. All questions are based on language examples and problems: there are no "essay" questions, but of course you are expected to be able to explain your answers.

During the exam, you must be alone in a room. You are not allowed to contact other people or use the internet. But you can consult the lecture material of the course.

The mark will be delivered immediately. If you fail the exam, a new opportunity will be given after summer. If you haven't finished your labs, you will also have your exam after summer and will have to have finished the labs by then.




Course summary:

Date Details Due