Course syllabus

The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to probabilistic modeling, statistical methods, and their use within the field of language technology. We will cover core foundational concepts in probability theory, linear algebra, calculus, and statistics as time permits.  We will discuss the basics of technologies that apply these areas of mathematics to language (usually via machine learning), such as language modeling.  We will also learn practical skills in programming text processing pipelines for applying statistical natural language processing techniques.

The course syllabus in full as adopted by the head of department is available at the following adress:


Course Organizer: Asad Sayeed 



Teaching assistant: Axel Almquist (e-post:


Education coordinator: Madelaine Miller (e-post:

Student Office: Iines Turunen (e-post:

Prel. Schedule (to be updated)

Please see the preliminary schedule in the Time Edit Link

Literature V19

  • Daniel Jurafsky and James Martin (2008) An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition, Third Edition. Online draft.
  • Delip Rao, Brian McMahan (2018) Natural Language Processing with PyTorch: Build Intelligent Language Applications Using Deep Learning. O'Reilly. Available from library and bookstore.

Online guides that will be useful during the course

Note: Canvas Student Guide available at the following Link

Course summary:

Date Details Due