
Welcome to the course KEM081, Advanced analytical chemistry V20


Roll call

The course will start with roll call and the first lecture January 20 in room KS32 at 10AM in the Chemistry building at Kemigården 4 on Johanneberg,



Link to the schedule can be found here



Course syllabus (in English)

Course syllabus (in Swedish)


Course literature:

For this course you do not have to buy any course book.



One week prior to course start you will be able to register to the course via the student portal - ladok, you will then gain access to the full canvas page. We will make sure that all students that attend the roll call get registered.

Have you taken the course previous years and wish to be re-registered, please contact the student counselor.


Written exams

This course does not have any written exam.


Contact information

Course coordinator:  Katarina Abrahamsson
Student counselor: Per Martin Björemark

Course administrator: Hannah Ahlborg


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