
AF2203 Afrikanska språk, Metod och fältarbete, 15 hp

Instructor: Laura Downing

Contact information for study advisors can be found at this link: https://studentportal.gu.se/minastudier/sprak/Studievagledning?skipSSOCheck=true


Welcome to AF2203's Canvas page!

The course provides an introduction to linguistic methods and fieldwork. Training includes learning about tools and techniques for eliciting, recording, transcribing, archiving and presenting linguistic data. We will also discuss ethical and practical issues related to working in the field and to data collection with native speakers.

For the purposes of this class, linguistic fieldwork is defined as linguistic data collection, working with a native speaker or speakers of the language. This kind of fieldwork can also be carried out here in Gothenburg!

The course will be taught in English, and the readings are in English.

Course requirements:

1- write an elicitation plan after choosing a topic and a language; you cannot choose your native language or one you speak fluently;

2- conduct fieldwork based on this plan and submit regular progress reports;

3- write up a final fieldwork report, due on 17 December.

Please ask general questions about the course using the discussion forum, rather than by emailing me directly, so that all class members can see the questions and response.


The main textbook for the course is:

Bowern, Claire. 2008. Linguistic Fieldwork. Palgrave Macmillan.

We will also read and discuss selected chapters in:

Newman & Ratliff. 2001. Linguistic Fieldwork. Cambridge University Press.

Podesva & Sharma. 2013. Research Methods in Linguistics. Cambridge University Press.



Litteraturlista/Reading List



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