
AF2205 Komparativ lingvistik och språktypologi, 7,5 hp

Instructor: Laura Downing

Contact information for study advisors can be found at this link: https://studentportal.gu.se/minastudier/sprak/Studievagledning?skipSSOCheck=true


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This course concerns itself with the systematic investigation of cross-linguistic variation. Linguists are interested in formulating hypotheses about the unity, diversity, potentials and limits of human language, and to do this we need to know what human language is capable of. This involves the systematic study and comparison of language structures in a diverse range of languages, with the aim of identifying recurrent patterns of linguistic systems. The goal of this course is to give an introduction to linguistic unity and diversity in the following domains: phonology, morphology, syntax and information structure.
The course will be taught in English, and the readings are in English.
Course requirements:
1- short weekly assignments, for class presentation, giving basic data from the language of your choice illustrating the topic for the week.
2- A final essay (ca. 7000 words.). The essay will be presented in the final class, and should be handed in no later than 20 December.
      More information about the essay will be given during the first meeting of the course.
Main textbook:
Velupillai, Viveka. 2012. An Introduction to Linguistic Typology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Available as an e-book from the GU library.)
Additional readings are assigned for most Lectures.


Litteraturlista/Reading List



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