
Welcome to the course Cooperation and conflict in Europe

This is the second course, the first semester of the Executive Master's programme in European Studies.

The course starts with an introduction on October 10. 

This course provides a deeper understanding of European integration by studying on-going research as well as classical texts on the subject. Students will learn to identify central dilemmas and goal conflicts in the constitutional set-up and procedures within the European Union, and different approaches on how to resolve them.

You will gain an overview of, and an ability to critically reflect upon and discuss, orally and in written form, current theory and research on the EU within the social sciences.


Course Guide




Contact us

Co-ordinating teacher: Olof Larsson, e-mail olof.g.larsson@gu.se

Academic Administrator: Ingrid Andreasson, e-mail ingrid.andreasson@gu.se, phone +46 31 786 5442

Student Counsellor: Eva Nilsson, e-mail studentcounselling@pol.gu.se phone +46 31 786 1189


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