
Welcome to SIK220, Introduction to Language and Intercultural communication!


Your instructors are: Laura J. Downing (course leader) and Christina Lindqvist.

This course provides an introduction to approaches to cross-cultural and intercultural communication and how they relate to cultural identity and cultural stereotyping, and other issues in sociolinguistics.

The course is taught in two parts. Laura Downing will lead the first four class meetings. The second half of the course is led by Christina Lindqvist. There is a module for each lecture giving a topic and readings for the lecture.

Forms of examination:

1- Each student is required to attend class regularly and be prepared to participate in class discussions. Attendance will be taken, and it will factor into your mark.

2- Each student is required to make two 5-minute oral presentations, one for Laura (25 September) and one for Christina (23 October), summarizing a scholarly article of your choice that is related to topics taken up in the relevant half of the course.

You will be timed for these presentations, so do practice and follow the tips for effective presentations that you will learn from Linda Flores’ seminar!

3- Each student is required to write an essay (in English) which is to be submitted online by 17.00 on 4 November. The essay should be approximately 25,000 characters long, excluding spaces and reference list. (No abstract or table of contents is expected for the essay.)


If you have general questions about the class, they should be sent through the class discussion forum (not by email).


Kursplan (svenska) / Syllabus (engelska)

Litteraturlista/Reference list



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