
Välkommen till kursen GE6000 H19 Stadsklimat och klimatplanering 7.5 hp


Kursen ges för Geovetenskaper kandidatprogram termin 5 med specialisering mot klimatologi samt Geografi master program termin 3

Kursstart: v40 - v45, 20191003 -- 20191104

Webregistrering: v39 - v41, 201909xx -- 201910xx

Kursansvarig: Sofia Thorsson, tel. 031-7864733

Kursadministratör: Eugenia Andersson

Studievägledare: Emily Whitehurst Zack


Kursens upplägg


Kursen innehåller teoretiska och praktiska moment om hur:

  • bebyggelsen påverkar strålningsbalansen, energiflöden, temperatur-, fukt- och vindförhållanden i marknära skikt
  • människans energibalans i relation till utomhusmiljön, olika termiska index för att beskriva den termiska komforten samt koppling mellan människa, klimat och beteende
  • tillämpning av klimatkunskap inom stadsplanering och design.

Undervisningen består av föreläsningar, övningar (obligatoriska), fältmätning (obligatorisk), seminarier (obligatoriska), litteraturuppgift (obligatorisk) samt handledning.



Oke TR, Mills G, Christen A and Voogt JA (2018). Urban Climate. Cambridge University Press. Ytterligare kurslitteratur består av vetenskapliga artiklar.





Welcome to the course "Urban climate and climate sensitive design" 7.5 points (GE6000),


The course is given in the fifth semester of the physical geography/climatology focused undergraduate programme in Earth Sciences and in the third semester of the master's programme in Geography.

Course start: week 40 - week 45, 20191003 -- 20191104

Online registration: v39 - v41, 201909xx -- 201910xx

If you have any questions concerning the course please contact the course leader for this course:

Course leader: Sofia Thorsson, phone: 031-786 4733

Course administrator: Eugenia Andersson

Student counselor: Emily Whitehurst Zack

If you due to some reasons are not able to participate the first time it is important to contact the Student counselor before the course starts. If you have decided not to attend the course please inform Emily Whitehurst Zack as well so we can take in another student.


Course content

The course deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of:

  • Effects of urban housing on radiation balances, energy fluxes, temperature, humidity and wind conditions of near surface layers
  • Energy balance of humans in relation to the outdoor environment, thermal comfort indices and the relationship between humans, climate and behaviour
  • Incooporation of climate knowledge into urban planning and design

The course comprise of lectures, compulsory guest lectures, compulsory exercises, a compulsory field study, compulsory seminars and a compulsory litterature assignment.


Course litterature

Oke TR, Mills G, Christen A and Voogt JA (2018). Urban Climate. Cambridge University Press. Additional course litterature includes scientific papers.



Course plan


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