

The course is held between November 5, 2019 and January 19, 2020. This course does not demand any real meetings. Instead the course is based on two main tasks that all students are given to solve and upload on Canvas within a deadline. In addition you have four minor tasks to be dealt with in the study groups as well.

The course provides general knowledge of Global Cities and urbanisation providing information from cities around the world, pls see also the course syllabus. 

The course content is divided in two sub-courses:

A. Background (Modules 1 & 2) and B. City Development (Modules 3, 4 & 5). Each part finishes with a written text, firstly a PM and secondly, a home exam. See also Assignments.

Module 1. The introduction, includes a part on global urbanisation and some historical perspectives.

Module 2. Presents the notion of Global Cities, theoretical perspectives and core concepts, historical and industrial cities.

Module 3. European and North American Cities.

Module 4. Asian Cities.

Module 5. South American and African Cities.

A number of study or reading groups will make it easy for you to get in touch with other students within your time zone. The intention is to provide possibilities for you to get in touch with mates; to solve upcoming issues related to the course; to exchange ideas and experiences from different cities as well as discuss the various parts of the course when writing the PM or reading the course literature.

A link to the time zones: https://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/.

We have organised study groups that you will have to sign up for. The groups are structured according to time zones. Experience has it that 5-6 students is a optimal size for a group, they shall not be too big or too small.  If that turns out to be case I will re-organise participants in a suitable way.  In other words, if you live in the Western part of North or South America, you can chose the group called Western America. In this group  you will find others that are active in the same time zone as your self.  Pls note, it does not mean that you have to focus on a city in the same time zone, but it makes it is easier to find a suitable time for a discussion with other students in your part of the world, discuss the literature or topics of interest. Pls pick a suitable group as soon as possible.

If possible, I will also join your discussions a couple of times, using Zoom.

I have prepared four tasks to be dealt with in the study groups. The first task will soon be published, followed by three more tasks related to the course modules and suitable for group discussions. A protocol from the groups meeting will be uploaded on Canvas see also the course summary below.

Thank you for taking notice of all written instructions!

Please note that all communications shall be referred to Marie Thynell via the Canvas Inbox and communications have to be in English or Swedish, thanks! 

You are most welcome to Global Cities in 2019!

Course Coordinator

Marie Thynell: marie.thynell@globalstudies.gu.se 

Course Syllabus and Literature

MU1625 Course Syllabus.pdf

MU1625 Reading list.pdf


When registered on the course, you can access the schedule in the Agenda page in the Modules section.

About Canvas

Agenda, syllabus and reading list will be published here at the syllabus page before the course starts. You will access the other pages once you have registered for the course.

For questions regarding registration and access to Canvas, please contact the Student Office: student@globalstudies.gu.se

For support and information on how to use Canvas, please click the question mark icon (“Help”) in the left side menu.

The Student Portal

At My Studies in the Student Portal, you will find general information and contact information for various functions that are relevant to students at the School of Global Studies. You can find these pages at the following link:


In the Student Portal you will also find other student related information and log in to all the student University e-services.



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