
Welcome to the course Swedish Environmental Politics in a Comparative Perspective

Course period: 2019-12-06--2020-01-19

Course start

The course starts with a course introduction December 6, 2019 at 10:15 in room A012, Sprängkullsgatan 19.

Course registration

For those of you who are Erasmus-students you won´t be able to register yourself. Instead you will be registered by the course administrator after the course introduction. If you won´t be able to attend the course introduction please contact the course administrator as soon as you are back in Sweden.

For the swedish students you register yourself on Ladok. The registration is only open between 29/11-1/12. If you have any problems to register for the course or if you have missed the registration deadline, please contact the course administrator.
Here you find more information about how you register!

Course syllabus, literature list and schedule

Course syllabus
Literature list
Schedule: Schedule for SK1139


This course is examined through two group assignments and an individual essay. You will find more information about the different part of the course in the course guide when you are registered.



Plagiarism means that you use someone elses paper or work and present it as your own, without using correct references to the author or where you have collected the information. Plagiarism is under no circumstances allowed and can lead to suspension. It´s important that you take part of the information about academic writing and plagerism, which you can find both in the course guide and through the University Library´s digital resources.

Special pedagogical support

All students at the University of Gothenburg should have the opportunity and means to complete their studies. Several forms of assistance are therefore available to support and help you if you feel that your studies or study situation is difficult. Students with disabilities can get special pedagogical support. If you have the wright to special pedagogical support you have to contact the coordinators for special pedagogical support. If you have the right to  adapted examination you have to contact your study counselor or study administrator no later than 4 weeks before you first examination on your specific course.


Contact information

Course coordinator: Björn Rönnerstrand, bjorn.ronnerstrand@pol.gu.se
answers questions about the course content and examinations.

International coordinator:  Angelica Thell, exchange@pol.gu.se
answers questions about  your exchange and other questions related to this.

Course administrator: Adriana Forssén (adriana.forssen@gu.se)
answers questions about registration, certificates, grades in Ladok, Canvas and schedule. If you´re not sure who you should contact you can always contact your study administrator.

Student counselor: Eva Nilsson (studentcounselling@pol.gu.se)
Phone: 031-786 1189
Drop-in: Thursdays 09:30-11:30
answers questions about and gives support in questions concerning study situation, conditions to courses, support considering disabilities and help with planning your studies.

Director of studies: Ulrika Möller (ulrika.moller@pol.gu.se)
general questions concerning the education.

Student information- Department of Political Science and the University of Gothenburg (GU)

Learn Canvas- for students
Checklist for new students at the University of Gothenburg
Student portal
All you need to know being a student at the Department of Political Science
Equal treatment


In this course we use Modules in Canvas.
In Modules we present the course content in it´s context and make it easier for you to find your way on Canvas and on the course..



Datum Information Sista inlämningsdatum