Course Syllabus

Welcome to the course EU2122 - Integrating European Markets, 10 credits, Autumn 2019!

This is the third course on the Master's programme in European Studies and a stand-alone course. The course starts November 25th, at the School of Business, Economics and Law, Vasagatan 1.

The course introduction takes place on November 25th 13:15-16 in Lecture Hall E45, at the School of Business, Economics and Law, Vasagatan 1.


To be able to see all the pages on this learning platform, Canvas, you must be registered for the course. You register your self online between November 18-20. If you don't have a Swedish personal number you will be registered on the introduction day.

Important documents

You will find Course Syllabus and Literature, Schedule and Course guide below.

When you are registered and can log in to Canvas, you will find files for all the parts of the course. The teachers will upload exercises, PowerPoint presentations and other useful documents or material in the modules

Course Guide

Course Syllabus

Literature list



Course Instructor: Roman Martin

Study Administrator: Mimmie Håkansson, 031-786 47 29, room B449, fourth floor, Department of Political Science

Student Counsellor: Eva Nilsson

Director of Studies: Urban Strandberg


Find your way in Canvas

  • Canvas is based on Modules.
  • When you are registered on the course you can log in to Canvas and find more information about the course.
  • Canvas is also the place where you also submit the assignments. There is a folder for each submission.

Department of Political Science

Visiting address: Sprängkullsgatan 19, 4th floor
Postal address: Box 711, 405 30 Göteborg

Servicecenter - reception for the whole university

Servicecenter offers service and support to students, visitors and staff at the University of Gothenburg.

Contact one of our Servicecenters for information about courses, study counselling and the university in general. The services for students include academic transcripts and issuing the GU-card.

There are several servicecenters, one at the same address as the Deparment of Political Science, Sprängkullsgatan 19.




Course Summary:

Date Details Due