Course syllabus

Welcome to Managerial Economics, 7.5 credits


This course covers quantitative methods and models in operations and supply chain management. Operating activities of firms and organizations create value by efficiently transforming inputs into goods and services. The emphasis is on forecasting methods, linear programming, capacity planning, quality management, project management, timetabling, inventory management, and general production planning. 



Managerial Economics is a full-time course, which runs between 29 September and 1 November 2022.

Study guide 

Course syllabus

Reading list




The literature can be ordered from the publisher at discount. You can:


purchase the bundle (e-book of of Anderson et al + Collier and Evans) by using the link:,


purchase both/either title(s) separately through the following links:,

Use the discount code EBA22BACKTOUNIVERSITY30 to get a 30% discount.

Note that the custom edition by Collier and Evans is stated to be the 1st edition- this is because it is the first edition of our custom edition, which in turn is an extract from the 3rd edition of the book. Do not forget to use the discount code.



Exam dates

Regular exam 1 November, 2022 Digital written exam (DISA) at Reutersgatan 2C. Sign-up in Ladok required, between 11 and 21 October.
Re-take exam 1 7 January, 2023 Digital written exam (DISA) at Reutersgatan 2C. Sign-up in Ladok required, between 17 and 28 December.
Re-take exam 2 22 March, 2023 Digital written exam (DISA) at Karl Gustavsgatan 29.  Sign-up in Ladok required, between 1  and 12 March
Re-take exam 3 13 May, 2023 Digital written exam (DISA) at Viktoriagatan 30. Sign-up in Ladok required, between 22 April and 3 May.

More information about digital exams (DISA)
Sign-up in Ladok is required for all exams. Make sure to read carefully about DISA and preparations needed ahead of exams in the Student Portal.


Course contacts and development

Course responsible teacher: Conny Overland (contact via Canvas)

Course administration: Måns Ramberg 

Study counsellor: Karin Cederholm 

Student representatives (kursombud): Ludwig Germunder & Vanessa da Costa

Information about course development and the role of student representatives