Course syllabus


All rich countries have well developed financial systems and the importance of financial systems for growth is continuosly proved by empirical research.

At the same time, financial systems are recurrently plagued by crisis and financial actors are often criticized in the public debate for shorttermism and right-out greed. In other words, financial systems are the epitome of capitalism and to study them raises many central questions: Why are financial systems important? Why do financial crises occur? What kind of ideas and ideologies lies behind different forms of financial theorizing and regulation?

The course offers the students the tools to analyse these questions.

Course Coordinator: Oskar Broberg


Course details

Financial History is lectured in English. It is a full-time course of 7.5 credits, which runs between 29 August and 28 September 2022.  

The course is offered in the first cycle and is included in the fifth semester of the Bachelor’s Programme in Business and Economics for students majoring in financial economics. It is also offered as a freestanding course, and is open to exhange students.

Study guide

Course syllabus

Reading list




The learning outcomes of the course are assessed through hand-in assignments (3 credits, including seminar participation) and a written individual exam (4.5 credits).

The hand-in assignments are carried out both individually and in groups, and are discussed in seminars where active participation is mandatory. 

Exam dates




Regular exam

28 September

E-exam in examination hall (DISA)

Re-take exam 1 

11 November

E-exam in examination hall (DISA)

Re-Exam 2

23 August, 2023

E-exam in examination hall (DISA)


Please note: Digital sign-up in Ladok is required for all exams. The sign-up deadline is 10 days prior to each exam date. You can find information regarding start time and location of the exam under the tab Examinations (Examinationstillfällen) on Ladok.   

The Student Portal has comprehensive information about e-exams in the university's examination halls - we recommend that you read through this information, especially if this is the first time you will sit an exam at the university.


Contacts and information


Course Administrator

Måns Ramberg



The course administrator can help you with practical course matters, including access to Canvas pages and groups, exams (dates, rules, and registrations for exams) and reporting of results and grades in Ladok. 


Student Representatives

Ludwig Germunder & Zeynep Musaagaoglu



The student representatives are recruited from the student group. They are tasked with communicating feedback directly to faculty and programme management, both continually during the course and at the course meeting, which is generally held about three weeks after the course has finished.


Further information about course development and the role of student representatives



Study Counsellors

Karin Cederholm and

Gabriella Jaxdal



Study counsellors can help you with matters connected to your overall educational experience including: eligibility and admission, choice of specialisation and elective courses, exchange studies, credit transfers and degree-related issues.


Study counsellors also offer support connected to student welfare issues and studying with a disability.



Student Portal

Student Portal start page



The Student Portal is a university-wide resource for current and prospective students. There, you can find information about most matters relating to your studies, such as services and tools and study environment and rules, including rules for exams



Ekonomiska föreningen (EF)

The Programme Section of the Student Union (HHGS)



EF’s education coordinators represent student interests in the continuous development of the Bachelor's Programme in Business and Economics. 


The education coordinators  are students on the programme. Please contact them if you have any questions, ideas, or proposals in relation to programme development. They can also offer advice if you experience study-related difficulties, or if you are in need of support or directions.



Student Work Environment Representatives (SAMO) 



Student Work Environment Representatives (SAMO) represent the students in work environment matters. Read more on the Student Union (HHGS) website.