Welcome to Biochemistry
7,5 hp HT2023 (KEM023, LGKE20, LGNK21 och L9KE20)
at the Department of Chemistry and Molecularbiology (CMB)
Courseperiod: 2023-12-04 - 2024-01-13
Information about Biochemistry.
- The course starts on Monday December 4 at 13.15 in lecture hall B Folkow (1405). Participation in this introduction is mandatory.
- In case you cannot attend this mandatory introduction, please contact the study guide immediately (svlkemi@cmb.gu.se) . (Om du absolut ej kan närvara eller skulle missa uppropet, kontakta studievägledningen (svlkemi@cmb.gu.se) omgående.)
- As usual, you have access to the entire canvas page when you are registered and self-registration opens a week before the start of the course. If you encounter problems registering, please contact svlkemi@cmb.gu.se for help.
- The course ends with a digital exam (Anmälan sker i Ladok) in biochemistry on January 13th 2024.
- The course consists of two parts:
1. Biochemistry, theory: includes lectures and calculation exercises
2. Biochemistry, labs: includes different praticals as well as computer-based labs. Attendance to the different labs is a mandatory requirement. In addition, laboratory reports must be submitted in connection with each lab according to the criteria outlined in the course (omfattar ett antal angivna experiment, samt en datorlaboration. Närvaro vid utförandet av de angivna experimenten är obligatorisk. Därtill skall laborationsrapporter lämnas in i anslutning till varje laboration enligt kriterier som presenteras under kursen).
Information for teacher students on courses L9KE20, LGKE20, LGNK21, or LGNK20
For teacher students on the courses L9KE20, LGKE20 and LGNK21, the biochemistry course is slightly shorter (3 HEC theory and 2 HEC labs) to contain also didactics (2.5 HEC). Five half-day seminars and an oral examination are included. These parts are only running in the springterm, but students can take the exam directly after the KEM023 with the other students any semester (the last two questions on the KEM023 exam are excluded for students on the L9KE20, LGKE20 and LGNK21 courses). The organic chemistry part is identical to KEM022.
For students on LGNK20 (which only runs in autumn) the biochemistry part is identical to the complete KEM023 course and thus the entire exam needs to be answered.
Course Plan
- J.M. Berg, J.L. Tymoczko, G.J. Gatto Jr. & L. Stryer, Biochemistry 10th edition , 2023 (9th and even 8th editions are mostly also OK)
The same book is also used in KEM060 within the Chemistry program as well as within the teacher education (LGKE50) as the main course literature.
The book can be purchased here:
- Studentbokhandeln Cremona (ca pris Stryer 900 kr)
- Adlibris, Bokus, etc.
This is a full-time course, e.g. expected study time at least 40 hours/week.
Overview about the weekly scheme Mon – Fri daily:
- Lectures and Seminars: 8:15-10:00, 10:15- 12:00, 11:15-13:00, ord 13:15 – 15:00
- Labs: 8:15 – 12:00 and 13:15 – 17:00
- There are 3 different labs in this course. Lab 1 is on site, and conducted in pairs of two. Sign up to one of the lab groups (A-G) in "personer", the time of the labs can be found in the schedule. Lab 2 and 3 are computer labs and given in zoom. You can find more information about respective lab in "moduler".
Digital Exam (DISA Tentamen) in biochemistry, 12:30-16:20 January 13th 2023, Reutersgatan 2c
No helping materials are allowed (inga hjälpmedel tillåtna)
Teachers: Vladislav Orekhov (course responsible), Björn Burmann
Information and instructions for the exam
- The exam
- Students from the teacher program (only them!!) do not need to answer questions about carbohydrates and lipids & membrane.
- Most of the questions will be of the multiple choice type. For some questions you will need to write answers as a short text or perform a calculation.
- The questions will be in Swedish!
- Note that questions have different values in points. The total sum of all questions is 100 points. In the exam, you need to get 60 points for G (godkänt) and 75 points for VG (väl godkänt), respectively. Teacher students will have only 80 points in total and thus they will need to get 48 and 60 points for G and VG, respectively.
Good luck with the exam
Re-exam (DISA Omtentamen) in biochemistry, 12:30-16:20 March 16th 2023, Viktoriagatan 30
In addition you will have the possibility to retake the exam when the next spring course has its regular exam around mid June 2024.
The exact dates will be available once registration in Ladok opens, last registration ~15 days before the respective exam date.
Course Evaluation
Please fill the course evaluation form, which you find on the following link
Contact Information
- Course Responsible Biochemistry:
Vladislav Orekhov
- general questions about course content, course organization as well as possible problems with the course (svarar på generella frågor om kursinnehåll, kursorganisation och eventuella problem med kursen).
- general questions about course content, course organization as well as possible problems with the course (svarar på generella frågor om kursinnehåll, kursorganisation och eventuella problem med kursen).
- Study advisor Chemistry:
Per Martin Björemark- Study guidance in Chemistry (Chemistry program students and others)
- Study guidance in Chemistry (Chemistry program students and others)
- Study advisor Pharmacy program (apotekarprogrammet):
Malin Eskesjö Hansson- Study related questions of Pharmacystudents, such as planning of the studies etc..
- Study related questions of Pharmacystudents, such as planning of the studies etc..
- Study Administrator Chemistry:
Alexander Englund- Questions regarding study administration, such as progression of re-registered students, registration for the exam (all students taking the course). (Frågor gällande studieadministration såsom progression omregistrerade, registrering till tentamen (samtliga studenter somgår kursen).
- Director of Studies for Chemistry:
Marie Kannius Janson
- Director of Studies for Teacher Education:
Örjan Hansson - Webside of the Department responsible for the course:
Institutionen för kemi och molekylärbiologi (KMB) »
More information about KEM023
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