Course syllabus

Course overview

This course covers quantitative methods and models in operations and supply chain management. Operating activities of firms and organizations create value by efficiently transforming inputs into goods and services. The emphasis is on forecasting methods, linear programming, capacity planning, quality management, project management, timetabling, inventory management, and general production planning. 

Please read the study guide to prepare for the course (available upon registration).

Course Coordinator: Shahryar Sorooshian

Student Course RepresentativeViktor Holmlund. You can contact the student representative by using the messaging function in Canvas. For alternative means of contact and further information, see the course evaluation and development page.

Course Administrator: Måns Ramberg


Zoomlänk för online undervisning:

Länk till Jupyter Hub: 

Course details

EFI256 is lectured in English. It is a full-time course of 7.5 credits which is offered in the first cycle (bachelor's level) and is included in the fifth semester of the Bachelor’s Programme in Business and Economics for students majoring in financial economics. It is also offered as a freestanding course, and is open to exhange students.

Course dates: 28 September - 31 October

Course registration in Ladok opens on 21 September. Registration is required for programme students and students on freestanding course. Please register for the course as soon as possible.

Syllabus EFI256

Reading list EFI256

Schedule EFI256 

Study guide EFI256


Zoom link for online teaching:

Link to the Jupyter Hub: 


The intended learning outcomes of the course are assessed through an individual written exam and a case assignment.

Exam dates




Regular Exam

30 October

E-exam in examination hall (DISA)

Re-Exam 1

5 January 2024

E-exam in examination hall (DISA)

Re-Exam 2

22 March 2024

E-exam in examination hall (DISA)

Re-exam 3

11 May 2024

E-exam in examination hall (DISA)


Please note: Exam registration (sign up) in Ladok is required for all exams. The registration deadline is 10 days prior to each exam date. You can find information regarding start time and location of the exam under the tab Examinations (Examinationstillfällen) on Ladok.  

The Student Portal has comprehensive information about e-exams in the university's examination halls. Please note that you, as a student, are responsible for complying with the rules for written examinations at the University of Gothenburg. It is therefore important that you read through this information well before your exam.

Some aspects of undertaking an e-examination are different from those of writing a paper-based exam. For example, a brought computer must meet specific system requirements, be able to connect to the eduroam network and have the Safe Exam Browser client installed. All necessary information can be found on the Student Portal. If you want to borrow a computer, it must be reserved in the TimeEdit system no later than five working days before the exam.