Course syllabus

Welcome to course BIO501 Neurobiology!


The course starts on Jan 15th, 08.15 in room Åke Göransson (room 2421 Medicinarlängan). It is important that you can attend the course start, it is at this time that you will get essential information regarding how the course will be organized. This occasion cannot be retaken.

It is important that you register on the course in Ladok. The self-registration can be done on Ladok in the Student Portal one week prior to course start until 10th of January.


Information about the course

The teaching will take place on Medicinareberget, please refer to the map below for the different lecture halls. 

The course have four different practicals, these are not mandatory but we will include questions from some of these practicals on the exam, so we strongly encourage everyone to participate. The practicals are only given once. 

The teachers will publish the handouts to each lecture under "files" - "lecture handouts", from the research topic lectures there might be unpublished research data presented and therefore some of these slides will not be included.

To pass this course you need to pass the digital examination that is given on March 17th in the examination hall at Victoriagatan 30, the level is set to 60% for scoring a pass (G) and 80% for pass with distinction (VG).


Info about digital exam and what you need to prepare before the exam is found here:


The re-examinations will be held on May 6th 12.00-17.00 and August 16th 13-18 at Victoriagatan 30.

Remember that you need to register yourself for the re-exams by contacting the course administrator.


Schedule (updated 240130)

Map over Medicinareberget

Map over lecture hall location (Natrium not included)

Course literature and syllabus you find on the website here.



Course leader: Julia Morud Lekholm

Course administrator: Emma Ukalovic ( 

Study counsellor : Eva-Lena Axelsson

The student expedition is at Natrium, room 2101 and has the following opening hours:

  •  Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:30-15:00

Students with a NAIS statement should contact the study counsellor in the beginning of the course in order to receive the support that is recommended in the statement.


For more information about the department and about the university rules continue to Student Portal:

Course summary:

Date Details Due