
Welcome to MKB800 Methodology in clinical drug development and biostatistics, 7,5 credits, spring term 2024

Course dates: April 26 – June 2
Registration will be open from April 19 to 26   
You register for the course via the Student portal/Ladok services. Please note, to be able to reach the Zoom-link for lectures and computer sessions, you need to be registered!

Course information


Preliminary schedule

It is mandatory to participate in three computer sessions (CS1, CS2 and CS3).  We will do the computer sessions in GU's premises. 

CS1;  (regressions analysis): 
CS 2;  (ANOVA ):                
CS3;  (repeated measures):  

There is also one mandatory work-shop regarding different study designs.

An individual digital exam (DISA) Saturday June 1, 14.30-18.30: Location: The University examination hall, Reutersgatan 2c. 
Re-examination: August 19, 8-12, Viktoriagatan 30. 
Re-examination 2: October 12, 8-12, Viktoriagatan 30. 

Hence, the mandatory sessions are  

1) first lecture
2) computer sessions
3) work-shop / group work regarding different study designs
4) written exam 

In Ladok, the course is divided by two parts:
Exam: methods within clinical research and biostatistics 4 hp
Work-shop / group work 3,5 hp

Studenter med dokumenterad funktionsnedsättning som behöver extra skrivtid eller annan anpassning skall anmäla detta före kursstart, men senast FYRA veckor före tentamen. Anmälan görs till kursadministratören, se Viktig information inför ansökan och Ansökningsblankett


Contact information
Teacher (course responsible) Catrin Wessman catrin.wessman@gu.se
Teacher Sofia Birgersson sofia.birgersson@gu.se

Administrator Karin Riegnell, karin.riegnell@gu.se Phone 031-786 37 19

Allmän studentinformation
Apotekarprogrammets sida på studentportalen
Lägga in rätt e-postadress i alla system

Akademisk hederlighet

Karta över Medicinareberget


Datum Information Sista inlämningsdatum