
Welcome to KBT086 Advanced course in pharmaceutical technology 7,5 higher education credits

Pharmacy programme semester 8, elective course

The course is given by Dept. of Pharmacology, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology in cooperation with Pharmaceutical Technology, Applied chemistry at Chalmers 


Course Information

Mandatory roll call: -----

Course syllabus (only in Swedish)

Schedule: Course agenda 

Literature: Aulton Pharmaceutics and provided scientific articles

Mandatory reading: Academic honesty /Akademisk hederlighet

Welcome to the advanced course in pharmaceutical technology, KBT086!

The course starts on the 26th of May 2024 at 08.00 in KS1. You find KS1 in the Chemistry building at Chalmers University of Technology. On the following link you find a map where you can search the locations at Chalmers: https://student.portal.chalmers.se/sv/studentliv/campusomraden/Sidor/Appen-Campus-Map.aspx

The course is composed of traditional lectures, excercises, project work and presentations, as well as laboratory work. The lectures will be given by Anette Larsson and Anna Ström at Chalmers as well as Tommaso Casalini and Mats Josefsson at AstraZeneca. The compulsory parts of the course are a) exercise on multivariate analysis on the 6th of May b) in-silico dissolution rate 15th of May, c) polymer and rheology exercise on the 21st of May and d) DSC lab on the 16th, 17 and 20th of May. Note that c) includes pre-work that should be uploaded on canvas prior the 20th of May.

The written exam takes place on the 31st of May between 8.30 and 12.30.

The student should by the end of the course;

  • explain methods used for determination and characterisation of physico-chemical aspects of excipients
  • show deepened understanding for challenges within personalised drug formulations
  • give examples how to treat poorly soluble active substances within drug development and simulate drug release rate
  • give example of the use of multivariate analysis within pharmaceutical technology 
  • explain the concept "digital twins" within pharmaceutical technology

General information

Link to: Pharmacy Programme at Studentportalen.



Course leader and lecturer: Anna Ström, anna.strom@chalmers.se

Lecturer: Anette Larsson, anette.larsson@chalmers.se

Lecturer: Tommaso Casalini (AstraZeneca), tommaso.casalini@astrazeneca.com 

Lecturer: Mats Josefsson (AstraZeneca), mats.josefsson@astrazeneca.com

Examinator: Pär Matsson, par.matsson@gu.se

Course administrator: Lisette Petersson, lisette.petersson@neuro.gu.se




Datum Information Sista inlämningsdatum