LIR103: Imagining justice for a sustainable world: Perspectives from fiction, philosophy and religion. Summer 2024:



Welcome to 'Imagining Justice for a Sustainable World', a course running in the summer of 2024 as part of the International Summer School for Sustainability at the University of Gothenburg!

Here is a short video that gives an introduction to the course and its aims:

Here are a couple of key documents related to the course:

Course syllabus

Course literature list

The course will be taught by Dr Martin Westerholm, who teaches in the Department of Literature, History of Ideas and Religion at the University of Gothenburg.  He can be contacted at

Note: Once you are registered for the course, all course information will be available through a link called 'Modules' on the left side of the course Canvas page. 

Here are a few links that might be helpful to you in getting oriented:

The Summer School for Sustainability

The Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion


If you are coming to the Summer School for Sustainability as an exchange student via one of GUs partner universities, you will be automatically registered on the course in Ladok the week before classes begin.

If you applied and have been accepted to the course via or, the registration will open late in June. Please note that you need to register during the registration period to keep your place on the course.

When you are a registered student you will have access to further information related to the course in the sections to the left. Registration information.

Studying with a disability.

If you have a documented permanent disability there is support you can get to help manage your studies. For more information and how to apply, follow this link: