
Welcome to FAB810 Preclinical drug development: drug metabolism and in vitro/in vivo prediction 7,5

higher education credits

Pharmacy programme semester 8, elective course 

The course is given by the Unit for PKDM - Pharmacokinetics and Drug Metabolism, Dept. of Pharmacology, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology


Course Overview

The course covers topics in preclinical drug discovery/development, with focus of pharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic property optimization.

Teaching consists of lectures (primarily scheduled during the first two weeks), interactive seminars and literature discussions, computer excercises (e.g., physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling). During the course, you will also work on group assignments: practicals covering the analysis of in vitro ADME experiments, and a larger assignment around optimization of the pharmacokinetic profile of a new drug. The second half of the course will focus on these assignments, with checkpoint seminars approximately halfway through the course.


Course Information

Mandatory roll call:  January 20, 2025 at 10.15 a.m in lecture hall 1411 (Medicinaregatan 11, floor 1)

Course Syllabus


Course literature: Lecture handouts, scientific literature, and excerpts from "Drug-like Properties: Concepts, Structure Design, and Methods, 2nd ed. Li Di and Ed Kerns".

Mandatory reading: Academic honesty


General information



Course leader and examinator: Pär Matsson, par.matsson@gu.se

Course administrator: Lisette Petersson, lisette.petersson@neuro.gu.se




Datum Information Sista inlämningsdatum